
Video project

short story was a short film that we made for are video class in witch we filmed to tell a story in 5 to 6 min. We worked for 3 weeks on this project one week on preproduction, one on filming, and one week for editing. Some of the challenges we faced as a group is that we were unable to film during the week so we only filmed on weekends. what i learn on the way was that i'm pretty good at running arenas. We did not have time to get feedback for this video. every thing except the story of the video. its the best thing that i will ever be apart of. I did do any thing in class ever thing was outside of class. every thing was out side. I talked to people to see what the need to be delivered. things i need to improve on is that i did not like this creative part of the I much more enjoyed the reporting part of the year. if i were to change any thing during the year i would do more blogs. i learned that i am not a creative person. i would like to do more blogs.  it been a fun yea...
dress code was one of the first video of the quarter during which all most every thing when to plan. the project was to make a video that explained the rules of the school which out taking. That the time it tuke was one week. during which we story boarded the project and scooted the the location for the filming. we learned that filming my take several tries and it hard not to look at the carmra. I would have changed my smile during some of the since. over all it was the best of this semester and the most effective 1 in 2000 was the worst one of the semester for 1 are writer did not write a script and did not help at all 2 we were unable to film b role do to the fact that we do not live in France and we can't travel to France. the object of the project was to interview a student and what makes them special. this project was on a grate start are filming and planing all when to plan but the b roll and script problem were coming. during this crises I was unable to edit to ...
I choose this action to represent me because my inability to become or be creative. How long it takes for the fire to start, then stay creative. I decided to film at 9:00 pm to get the most light out of the fire I must up one the grudge light  and did not follow the rule of threads. I wanted to show every one how uncreative. The 9:00 pm time was many used for lighting and to show the fire compared to the back ground. I should have shut the grog door and stoped the light. I would hope that every learned that being creative is a bones and is not a nessety. you most like in side the box within being out side the box.

Final project

The project was to make a product and try to sell it to your class. They gave us the 1 quarter or 8 weeks. The 2 and half weeks were used for make a 3D animation and a banner selling are product. The first 1 week one of the project one of the team members was not able to show up to having a family Emergency. which slowed us down. How much people don't care until the last second this one thing i have learn above all. How to fix a broken website. I changed the fount and names and add photos and floated it to the left. It could have been better if i had a little bet more support from my team or more feedback. in class we worked on every thing the only thing that we need to come in for was finishing up the website. when i finished i ask if any body had any problems until the last day came and they wonted to change every thing. my team only worked on the website outside of class. I did not have any major straight that i have found or had in this project i could not maximize the stra...

CSS and CARP Design.

In the beginning of the project we did not use CSS or C.A.R.P. (Contrast, Alignment, Repetition, Proximity). Then we stared to slowly add CSS designs to the web site. The job was to follow are teachers designs to make a web site. that looked half way to being decent.   Contrast we used different colors from the dog to get the contrast we need to make it pop. we also used different types of  text as contrast from the others such as Bold and Italic, and different text families two. Thats what Contrast in web site was use for. In the Alignment section of C.A.R.P.  we used left alignment, center alignment. Then we made it had space from the margin so it was in't so close, and people would feel so claustrophobic. Repetition i used the same liner on the text and the dog. Same fount for all text. I also used same color schemes. Proximity: I used it to group the text title, body, Ex. you also use it to separate groups such as the dog and the poem. it also g...


House Texture  #1 Texture  #2  The plan was to make a basic house (no furniture on the inside and no walls). I could have used better texture to make the use look better. I also could not figure out how to make a doorhnob.  i looks bad need to use c.a.r.p. needs more details fix inside wall. needs better texture. i do not like google sketch up i does what i don't want it to do and will some time brake for reasons unknown to me. i have very little experience with the program i do not no if the problem is it or me. i would add more details and textures that fit my house better. do not miss with the roof its a bad idea ever time i tried to fix it i got worse (Command Z is my best friend). i have a lot if room for improvement and i need a lot more time with this program.


My Personality  My personality Mr. Netterville was a INTJ, forty-one  percentage tendency to be an Introvert, a twelve percentage tendency for intuition, a seventy-two Percentage for thinking. and a sixteen percentage tendency for judging. Introvert you could most likely figure  that out by your self. Intuition i will depend on the situation. thinking is what i will do think be for you feel. remove your self and think about what will what can and whit might happen do not involve your self. You feelings an be wrong and if you say to me that you have a gut feeling unless you are a super hero in a move, you feeling means nothing to me. I will all was be judging you. the moves you make the things you where how you act. what are you Introvert or extraversion. So thats my personality Mr. Netterville. Part 2 The lowest column was column two with was sixteen so lack talking to people I do not like social places. the next one was column three. I think this one is ...