My Personality
My personality Mr. Netterville was a INTJ, forty-one percentage tendency to be an Introvert, a twelve percentage tendency for intuition, a seventy-two Percentage for thinking. and a sixteen percentage tendency for judging. Introvert you could most likely figure that out by your self. Intuition i will depend on the situation. thinking is what i will do think be for you feel. remove your self and think about what will what can and whit might happen do not involve your self. You feelings an be wrong and if you say to me that you have a gut feeling unless you are a super hero in a move, you feeling means nothing to me. I will all was be judging you. the moves you make the things you where how you act. what are you Introvert or extraversion. So thats my personality Mr. Netterville.
Part 2
The lowest column was column two with was sixteen so lack talking to people I do not like social places. the next one was column three. I think this one is confused about it self one it says "holding people accountable" but it all so says "Avoids Confrontations" if there holding people accountable there issuing to be confrontations. It all so says "calm" and "sensitive feelings" are calm when being held at or crying this two should to be put in the same column. column one is the next one. it says a weakness argumentative I think thats a good thing. figure out if. your right or wrong then if your right prove it if your wrong ament defeat. The last one is Column number four. unrealistic you want the best then work like the best work hard as you can to reach the top. high standards is a good thing people most work to get regressed
Part 2
The lowest column was column two with was sixteen so lack talking to people I do not like social places. the next one was column three. I think this one is confused about it self one it says "holding people accountable" but it all so says "Avoids Confrontations" if there holding people accountable there issuing to be confrontations. It all so says "calm" and "sensitive feelings" are calm when being held at or crying this two should to be put in the same column. column one is the next one. it says a weakness argumentative I think thats a good thing. figure out if. your right or wrong then if your right prove it if your wrong ament defeat. The last one is Column number four. unrealistic you want the best then work like the best work hard as you can to reach the top. high standards is a good thing people most work to get regressed
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