CSS and CARP Design.
In the beginning of the project we did not use CSS or C.A.R.P. (Contrast, Alignment, Repetition, Proximity). Then we stared to slowly add CSS designs to the web site. The job was to follow are teachers designs to make a web site. that looked half way to being decent. Contrast we used different colors from the dog to get the contrast we need to make it pop. we also used different types of text as contrast from the others such as Bold and Italic, and different text families two. Thats what Contrast in web site was use for. In the Alignment section of C.A.R.P. we used left alignment, center alignment. Then we made it had space from the margin so it was in't so close, and people would feel so claustrophobic. Repetition i used the same liner on the text and the dog. Same fount for all text. I also used same color schemes. Proximity: I used it to group the text title, body, Ex. you also use it to separate groups such as the dog and the poem. it also g...